If you see a Jammer dancing in Jamaa township saying "Giveaway my den," chances are, its not real. Even if the Jammer has the item, its because they traded it from there main account. Most fake giveaway accounts are spares and were used for scamming. Look at the achievements. The scammer won't have many of them, unless its there main.
Most Scammers say "its trust," which means you have to trade them good items and expect them to trade them back. The scammer WILL NOT give those items back, so don't trade them.
The best ways to avoid being scammed is to simply not trade when the jammer says trust trade, or some thing like that.
Storytime: once i hosted a fake giveaway my den. I said best trade wins and i wont accept. Nowadays you have to accept the trade twice, so I couldn't scam anyone. I was NOT trying to scam anyone, and no one got scammed. I was simply bored and decided to troll them.
Heres a video of a Jammer hosting a fake giveaway and decides against scamming. A Jammer was saying, "Spiked Collar Giveaway my den!" When people came to her den, one Jammer traded her a good item. Instead of taking it and locking everyone out, she said traded back the item and said, "I was going to scam, but then i realized how wrong that would be." Watch the video for more information.
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