Weekly posts, cringe, and the trademark Cheesemonkey

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Underrated rooms in Animal Jam

Hey Jammers! pigg42 here, and I've decided I don't want to stop blogging, because someone actual reads my posts now, and I feel motivated to keep going. My posts aren't that original, but I'm still gonna post anyways!
Today I'm gonna be talking about some underrated rooms in Animal Jam. Enjoy!

First we have the Hot Cocoa hut. For some reason I just love this room. It's so calming. I rarely see anyone in there.

Next we have the Juice Hut. I love the music to this room, and sometimes there's people in here, but pretty rarely.

Next is the Flag Shop. NO ONE goes in here. I don't even think I knew about this room until i week after I joined. Actually, I take back what i said about there not being people here. Someone photo bombed me.

Finally is the Conservation Museum. NO ONE cares that Animal Jam has educational stuff. All they care about is rares. :l.

Also, I created an AJMV for the first time. You can watch it. It's not very good, but i tried :)

Friday, June 22, 2018

Things AJHQ should add

Hey Jammers, pigg42 here! double post today! Today I'm gonna talk about a few little things AJHQ should add. Enjoy! 
1: Jammer wall for non-members. Not many people use the Jammer wall, and unlocking this if disagree or have something else to add comment down below. feature to non-members might make it a bit more popular 
2: To be able to trade gems and diamonds. If someone doesn't have many gems or diamonds and wants to buy an item, this would be great to add. You could also offer a certain amount of gems/diamonds for an item or simply trades gems/diamonds to a storage account 
3:  A trading post. This would be helpful so you could offer for items when someone is offline and when they get back on they could either accept or decline the offer. Many Jammers want this option, too
 4: More non-member dens. I am indeed a member, but it's very unfair that non-members only get two dens. Barely anyone uses the Sunken Ship den, so that narrows down to only one den! I think that the water park den would be great to give to non-members. It's a small den, not to cool, and maybe the mushroom hut.  Well, I hope you enjoyed my reasoning. If you disagree or have something else to add comment down below.

Another Spike Sale + rant

Hey guys, pigg42 here back with the news. Yep, another spike sale. just what we asked for. Okay, this post is sort of a rant, sorry not sorry. And since blogger's being a dork to me i'll add all the the pictures at the end. Okay, animal Jam is running out of ideas. they brought extinct animals to the game, and ANOTHER FREAKIN SPIKE SALE. Weird, it's members only, and we've already had so many spike sales. we don't need anymore. But yeah, it's going on this week. There's donut spikes, zios spikes, and every day they come out with one that says, "rare." It's not even rare gosh darn it. Sorry for raging.  Next we have something about Jam Session having new items. And then we have Flower eagles coming soon. Great. We already having like 3 special effect animals or whatever you wanna call 'em. Enough said. AJ IS RUNNING OUT OF IDEAS.
The rest of the post is just basically filler, but the Freedom Party is back.
That's all for my rant-update, cya soon.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Cloudburst Armor

Hey Jammers! pigg42 here! Today on Animal Jam there isn't an update, but there is a new page in the Jamaa Journal. It's advertising Cloudburst Armor, which I haven't bought yet. It's available from Thursday to Sunday. Since I don't think many people will post about this, I am.
Here's the page:
  It isn't found where most armor is sold, but rather in the other items section, circled in red. You buy the whole set for a total of 9 diamonds. That's all for now, Jammers!

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Spikes are overrated

Hey guys! pigg42 here! Today I'm gonna talk about how spikes are overrated.
IN MY OPINION I think more members have spikes than don't. Whenever I spawn I see someone wearing a spike. I don't hate spikes, I just think they're overrated.
Honestly I don't even think spikes are rare anymore. I only have a purple long wrist, and it's probably not worth much, compared to what everyone else has. Trading itself is overrated. I think more people need to play with buddies. When i'm on AJ i'm usually fooling around, not trading.
If you disagree with me, that's okay. Bye Jammers!

Monday, June 11, 2018

How NOT to get hacked or scammed

Hey guys, pigg42 here! Today I'm here with some simple tips on how to stay safe on Animal Jam.
1. DON"T give out your password, even to your best friend: If your friend asks for your password, (or anyone for that matter) DO NOT give it to them. Even if they say they won't hack, you never know. Someone on Hangouts once asked me for my password, but I didn't give it to them
2. DON'T fall Trust Trading. If someone says trade me something good I'll trade back best item wins (insert rare item name here) Don't do it. It's a scam. This person will take the item and lock their den. Sometimes they do trade the item back to earn your trust, and after a few rounds of trust they'll lock there then and waltz away with your item
3. DON'T share your skype. Its against Animal Jam , and it could be dangerous. Someone might ask your to share your screen and they might try and turn off your internet or get your password
4. DO have a strong password. Don't have something guessable like "123456" "password" or "animaljamrocks" people could guess your password and hack you. Instead, have something easy to remember but hard to guess. ex. (penguinicecream123, bigsmellymonkey7!,) Add capital letters and symbols.
Well, that's really all I have. remember to folow these tips and Play Wild!

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Pet Direwolves & More Animal Jam updates

Hey, Jammers! pigg42 here! I've decided to start up my blog again and post the latest Jamaa Journal! I'm sorry for my inconvenience. It's been months since I posted, whew!
 The first thing in the journal is about world oceans day. You can now put land items in water dens and vise versa! I haven't actually tried putting land items underwater, but i'll try it soon. There's also 2000 den spots for members! i hope they decide more clothing spots, too.

Next we have pet direwolves, the smaller and cuter version of the direwolf. I actually purchased one right before making this post, because i have too many diamonds XD!

Next is just an advertisement saying that the water park den is back. It's just dumb that's its not for non-members. It's so small! C'mon AJ,
I'd love to show you the whole update, but I'm having technical difficulties 

I've Created A New Blog

Hey Jammers, pigg42 here with some important news. After a long break of not posting, I forgot my password to this blog and recently created a new one. I'll mainly be posting things about Animal Jam on here and other things on my other blog. here's the link: www.blanketlion.blogspot.com
Be sure to visit it sometime!

New here? Read the "Welcome to my Blog" Page

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to the Cheese Monkey House! Im pigg42, and on this blog you'll find: -Cringy posts every week -My opinion on new stuff in AJ ...